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Thursday 16 May 2024
Italiano English

Call for Scholarship of the City of Marsciano

Marsciano (PG) - The municipal government of Marsciano, as a bequest of Master Luigi Sargentini, established since the year 1999/2000 school scholarships named in his memory, to which assignment shall in accordance with the same regulation Hall.

Even for the academic year 2013/2014 will be put out to tender a number of scholarships awarded to "deserving students, residents in the town of Marsciano wishing to pursue graduate studies" in possession of the following requirements:

- The marks obtained in the degree of maturity of not less than 84/100

- Economic status of the family, with income calculated using the ISEE system not exceeding EUR 10632.94

- Enrollment in a university degree course

The models for the compilation of questions can be collected from the Social Services Department - Office schools (tel. 0758747248) during office hours or downloaded from the website www.comune.marsciano.pg.it.

Applications must be received at the municipal office indicated no later than March 29, 2014.

Info: City of Marsciano, schools Office 075 8747248

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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