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Saturday 18 May 2024
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XXXVI International Congress of Americanists

Perugia (PG) - Like every year, 1979, will be held at the Perugia International Congress of Americanists, organized by the Centro Studi Americanistici "Circle Amerindian". The XXXVI International Congress of Americanists, to be held May 6 to 13, 2014, will be a time when scholars will agree to Perugia from more than 100 institutions in 20/25 countries around the world (Mexico, Chile, Russia, Venezuela, Brazil, Denmark , Colombia, Poland, Peru, Norway, Japan, etc..). There are approximately 180 interventions, focusing on 22 macrotematiche. You wait, as always, the public participation of students and fans, who will have the opportunity to update and reflect together scholars on transforming reality that depart from the Americas and involve the whole world.

This year there is also a link with the headquarters of the Mexican Studies Centre in collaboration with the Institute de Investigaciones de la UNAM Antropologicas organize an event in connection with a seminar video conference.

During the work, insiem! issues and historical, anthropological, archaeological, artistic, ethno-musical, literary, political and social, related to globalization - of great interest not only to experts in the field, but for all those who, in the construction of a increasingly multicultural society, they want to proceed to a knowledge of the diversity represented by '"Other" - will also be presented publications and cooperation projects of the Research Center.

In this site you can follow the conference www.amerindiano.org transmitted online.

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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