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Italian Open Women's Golf at Golf Club course Perugia

Perugia (PG) -

The 24th edition of the 'Italian Open Women is scheduled this year on the path of Perugia Golf Club from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th June and Wednesday 25 will be preceded by a pro am where you will be able to see a preview of a good part of that proettes then will be the stars of the tournament, while on Thursday 26 the public, for which the entry will be free, you can follow the steps to finish the last day of the test field.

For shooting FIG chose Perugia and 'Umbria, deeming them particularly suited to practice golf, working on a project based on the strategic importance of the Ladies Italian Open, a project that has as one of its most important objectives the promotion is aimed at finding new players to the increase in golf tourism. And the Umbria Region and the Municipality of Perugia, acting as institutional partners, have fully understood the importance and have taken over as the high-profile international events are the best foundation for further enhancing its territory with the help of a remarkable visibility media. Promotion in the world, because the images of the network are no longer boundaries and may give an insight into the potential accommodation, organizational, structural and tourism with specific reference to golf in the region, and the district, as see the work of the great champions or champions undoubtedly stimulates the spirit of emulation. And even more so if this happens in an area where growth potential, in terms of golf played, are considerable and difficult to quantify.

Not only the institutions that have been sensitized in order to support the event, included among the tests' Italian Pro Tour, the circuit of national competitions arranged by the Organizing Committee of the FIG Open professional golf, but also some of the major companies operating in such Umbria as the group Rocchetta, now very keen to support sports in general and that produces olive grove, the official water of the tournament; Liomatic, a specialist in the field of vending machines for drinks / coffee; Relais Elm, official hotel, and Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drin k. Invest in the pool even St. Paul, the title sponsor of the Pro Am, Jaguar, official "automotive", and John Deere, the official supplier.

Occasion will be in place two interesting collaborations. The athletes will be able to avail the service of physiotherapy Physio Team with two therapists at their disposal, while Golfmeteo provide detailed weather forecasts with real-time updates through a sequence of high-resolution images broadcast on monitors positioned inside and outside the circle .

The GC Perugia is back to the stage in Europe, after being proposed in 2013 with Umbria Open (Alps Tour), who emphasized the goodness of the structures and the track, now subjected to the finishing touches for an appointment to further quality.

It 's still early for details on the field, but promises to be absolutely weight to the presence of some of the most quoted foreign proette and all the best Italian. Will be at the start, in fact, Giulia Sergas, Diana Luna, Stefania Croce, Margherita Rigon, along with other blue Sophie Sandolo engaged in the LET Access, according to the women's circuit in Europe.

In particular Giulia Sergas was among the stars at the GC Petiole, in 2011, where he left the road just in the last bars all'estrosa American Christina Kim. Third was Stefania Croce confirming a trend in the 2000s has almost always seen the Italian players to the stage, but without reaching the victory. A negative tradition that could fall right on the demanding path of Perugia.

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]


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