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Orvieto Con Gusto - XIV edition

Orvieto (TR) - CONSORTIUM OF COMMON WAY OF LIFE and have Orvieto Orvieto With Gusto XIV Edition. Event inspired by the culinary culture of the area, which will be held from 28 September to 6 October 2013. The kitchen Orvieto through the territory.

The novelty of "Orvieto con Gusto" in 2013 are numerous and of great prestige. The October edition, thanks to the collaboration of Cittaslow International, will host two regions marvelous: Trentino and Calabria.
For Trentino Grumes will be present, the smallest city in the world Slow. The host city will organize a dinner with traditional dishes, will bring products and workers with regional samplings and demonstrations in the streets of the historic center and its folklore alive with a few moments of the event. In addition, for "A Crack con Gusto", Grumes propose a first dish from Trentino.
Per Altomonte, Calabria will be present. The city will host regional products and workers with tastings and demonstrations in the streets of the historic center and its folklore alive with a few moments of the event. In addition, for "A Crack con Gusto", Altomonte propose a first course of Calabrian cooking.

Thanks to the collaboration between Orvieto Way of Life and Coldiretti, in Piazza Duomo will attend the famous Mercato di Campagna Amica. The market Campagna Amica Foundation now has a resonance at the national level, and has been realized in the major Italian cities (including Rome and Milan). The media and the press have all made services designed to inform the public about the usefulness of this important project, which Coldiretti provides operators and buyers.
Coldiretti, through its national channels, disclose its presence in Orvieto during the event "A Spasso con Gusto".

From 28 September to 6 October 2013
Orvieto At the Table

Orvieto The restaurants will offer the menu of the great tradition territorial
September 28

Flavours from Umbria
Gala dinner menu based on typical Umbro organized at the Restaurant San Juvenal, by Coldiretti
October 4

Flavours from Trentino
Dinner of Trentino organized at the Restaurant Menu St Juvenal, by the city of Grumes
October 5

Shows Folklore
Animations in the Spanish music and singing proposed host cities of Grumes and Altomonte

October 5th and 6th

Market Country friend
In Piazza Duomo Coldiretti organizes the now famous market Campagna Amica Foundation. A guarantee of quality and good expense
October 5
A Crack With Gusto


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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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