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Saturday 21 September 2024
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Pilgrimage to St. Scholastica

Norcia (PG) - Departure from Castelluccio di Norcia at 10.00 for the church of St. Scholastica in Norcia.

St. Scholastica, sister of St. Benedict, was born in the district of Nursia in the fifth century after Christ.
St. Benedict became the patron saint of Europe and is known worldwide as the founder of monasticism.
St. Scholastica is venerated, in particular, between the populations of the Sibillini and among the Germanic peoples for whom is the patron saint of breastfeeding. It happened and still happens today, though more rarely, to meet couples Germanic asking Santa to get off the miracle of making the milk to mothers.
In the traditions of Castelluccio, St. Scholastica occupies a place of primary importance: she was reserved a novena and the end of June all women Castelluccio made pilgrimages to the church of the Holy which is located next to the cemetery of Norcia, the center of the flat in the city. Both the cemetery that the plain bear the name of St. Scholastica.
This tradition is still alive among the people of Castelluccio and up to thirty years ago, the pilgrimage took place on foot. Women traveling along the last stretch on his knees, praying the Rosary, and entered the church after making a complete revolution of the outer perimeter of the church.
Among a mystery of the Rosary and the other, all the women sang aloud this chant: "St. Scholastica's raining ago IJO slow; St. Benedict is raining IJO the orzetto. "
For the occasion, the President of the Commonality of Castelluccio calls for the availability of a Priest to the Curia and commissioned a Mass at the Church of the Holy; the President himself, at the end of Mass, before giving all the women and then to all those who appear before the Church, two slices of bread or a rosette, with bread and a glass of wine.
Even today this ancient rite is celebrated during the last days of June; women are accompanied by bus to the Church of the Holy recite the Rosary and invoke the Holy and with the same sing-song with the same old devotion
On the way back, as is the ancient custom, the women along the way collect big bunches of flowering broom and just go back to the Castelluccio hang outside the doors of their homes to a lunation.

St. Scholastica is raining Ijo slow ... ora pro nobis.
For info: Pro-Loco Castelluccio - Phone 3386267022 - prolococastelluccio@libero.it

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]


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