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Tuesday 21 May 2024
Italiano English

Cantamaggio in Terni

Terni (TR) - Terni. The Cantamaggio festivities, held annually to celebrate the end of winter and the arrival of spring, date back to the late-19th century and will be renewed in Terni from April 24th to May 23rd. The various districts of the city, along with a number of neighbouring villages and schools, work together to design their respective allegorical floats, decorating them with flowers. More than just a historical re-enactment, the Cantamaggio aims to keep local folk traditions alive and involves all kinds of sectors, from craftsmen to technicians and students, with a number of collateral attractions ranging from plays to exhibitions and concerts scheduled throughout the city.
Info: 0744.423047, e-mail info@iat.terni.it.

Interesting Facts
Although the Cantamaggio has now developed into a festival involving practically everyone in town, in the past this was chiefly a time of year in which the maggiaioli - small groups of young singers – would pass from house to house singing their (mostly eleven syllable) rhyming verse in exchange for eggs, food and a few coins.

[Source: Assisi OnLine]


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