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Friday 03 May 2024
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Encuentro. Festival of Literature in Spanish

Perugia (PG) - It will be held in Perugia 4 to 6 April 2014, the first edition of Encuentro. Festival of Literature in Spanish, an event dedicated to the literature of the Spanish language in Italy, sponsored by the Readers' Circle of Perugia and the Municipality of Perugia, with the Association of Banana Republic in collaboration with the Region of Umbria and sponsored by the University University of Perugia and the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

The event will take place in three prestigious locations in the city of Perugia - the headquarters of the Readers 'Circle at the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Palazzo della Penna, in the Sala dei Notari, in the Palazzo dei Priori, and the Aula Magna of' University for Foreigners of Perugia - and part of the efforts for the candidacy of the Umbrian capital to European Capital of Culture 2019.

Says the Head of Culture Andrea Cernicchi: "The international vocation of Perugia, multicultural city for more than eighty years, in which they were formed generations of students, they have played hundreds of musicians from all over the world, worked photographers and artists of the highest level, taught teachers of renown, is now confirmed by the response of the Commission has included in the shortlist of finalists for the title of European Capital of Culture 2019. Armed with this designation, the city is working to achieve this goal. The event is Encuentro, also in perspective, an important pillar of this architecture culture to draw the new face of Perugia of the twenty-first century. "

Encuentro will host authors representative of the Spanish-American literature - Luis Sepulveda, Daniel Mordzinski, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Leonardo Padura Fuentes, Bruno Arpaia, Santiago Gamboa and even Fernando Iwasaki, Marcos Giralt Torrente, Guadalupe Nettel, Antonio Soler - to talk about their work and their relationship with the Italian literature. In the days of the festival readers meet established writers like Luis Sepúlveda and Paco Ignacio Taibo II and new voices Marcos Giralt Torrente such as Spanish or Japanese-Peruvian Fernando Iwasaki, all translated and published in Italy.

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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