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Tuesday 07 May 2024
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Tealtro Laboratory Gestalt exploration of the expressive forms of the character

Orvieto (TR) - Tealtro - Laboratory Gestalt exploration of the expressive forms of carattere.Incontro free
Friday 6th of December. In the stage of everyday life we ​​are often acting the same parties and sometimes for years to repeat the usual scripts because now we have learned and we have no others in the repertoire.

The theatrical space reopens its doors to the exploration of self, the ability to play with the polarities that inhabit the relationship in order to find creative synthesis instead of gray compromise.

In the laboratory will be proposed gaming experiences with movement, voice, drama in order to recognize the "ropes" of their own and others' humanity, rediscover the pleasure of experiencing other melodies and new scripts, to agree with other tools from recognition of diversity.

Time and cost: The course is divided into two sessions lasting two hours each on a fortnightly basis, the total cost is 50 euro.

Where the participants were interested in continuing the investigation will be agreed procedures and deadlines for continuation.

Mandala Center via Monte Peglia 22 Orvieto Scalo
Request reservation at tel: 3299730744

E-mail: rossel-lab@libero.it
Dr. Ross Bartolomei, a psychologist-psychotherapist

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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