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The chariot of the gods

Gualdo Tadino (PG) -

The Museums of the City of Gualdo Tadino promotes the exhibition event of the year. Between instinct and reason, between passion and serenity, between love and psyche: "The chariot of the gods"

When art becomes a form, light, truth, when it reveals a mystery or simply leads us into it, when it touches the senses, when it is able to overpower you when he hugs you, rejects you, engages you: Jacopo Scasselati, the new talent of Italian art, in "The chariot of the gods" invites humanity to look at the sky.

The exhibition event of the year, sponsored by the Museums of the City of Gualdo Tadino edited by Catia Monacelli, will be inaugurated Saturday, September 7th at 18:00 at the Church of San Francesco. "Jacopo Scasselati to 23 years is a painter who for symbolism and poetic subjects, maturity and technical excellence out of the ordinary, it is already the focus of criticism, "says Catia Monacelli," his language and style are completely new and sinking the look in slashes of light you are involved and kidnapped the world that promises Jacopo Scasselati captures the mind and the spirit of the observer even more disenchanted. "

Heroes and heroines, gods and goddesses, epic events, fictional and tragic, populate the sky black artist: the beautiful and obedient Ophelia and love ended in tragedy for Hamlet, the grace of Mary of Magdala, a figure with a human face that along with Jesus overturns the established orders, Oedipus, you will spot this horrendous crime, killing his father and marrying his mother Jocasta then, the sterile Danae fertilized by golden rain of Zeus and, above all, the figure of the knight with the his steed.

A diptych composed the work that gives the exhibition its title: "The chariot of the gods" is the seventh card of the tarot. The inspiration of Jacopo Scasselati has medieval roots, when the alchemical art begins with the tarot reading and the symbolism we are able to dissolve. "The chariot of the gods" is for Jacopo Scasselati the journey that the artist makes towards greater self-awareness and its communicative language. The horses that pull the wagon with a rush move in opposite directions: one to the right and the other to the left. The movement antithetical encloses the sense of a choice between instinct and reason, between passion and serenity, between love and psyche. The result is a profoundly epic composition: the "chariot" is the representation of the victory on adverse events of everyday life, to overcome the obstacles that life imposes on us. Guiding him with the reins firmly clasped in his hand a female figure: the mother, the woman, the mistress. Aphrodite suspended between heaven and earth. The male figure supports, accompanies his abandonment, the gestures of the knight blend with his body as a sign of protection, it softened the lyricism. A representation of strength and deep sensuality that emerges from the ruins of eternal bodies.

After the greetings of the mayor Roberto Browns and the Culture of the Province of Perugia Donatella Porzi, will take part at the opening ceramologo Luca Lispi, journalists James Marinelli Andreoli, Roberta Serdoz and Anna Mossuto and conclude the director Italo Moscati. The Museums of the City of Gualdo Tadino confirmation with this exhibition, which will remain open until 24 November, the ability to perceive, understand and manage, the phenomena of contemporary art, presenting to the public each year a young talent. The catalog completes the project conveying both the content of the exhibition, both the soul and the modus operandi of this extraordinary artist. After Gualdo Tadino, "The chariot of the gods" will be hosted at the Vittoriano in Rome, the Italians, and then return to Umbria Rocca Paolina in Perugia and off once more for prestigious international destinations. To request a catalog and further information about the exhibition, please contact: 075 9142445, info@roccaflea.com .

Event sponsored by the Museums of the City of Gualdo Tadino

Edited by Catia Monacelli


With the support of

Town of Gualdo Tadino - Province of Perugia - Umbria Region

Media Partner

Courier Umbria - TRG Media - Umbria OnLine


Free admission

Church of San Francesco, Gualdo Tadino

7 September to 24 November 2013


Organizing Secretariat

075 9142445 - 347 7541791st - info@roccaflea.com

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]


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