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Friday 03 May 2024
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A window of Perugia. Arts and crafts between eight hundred and nine hundred

Perugia (PG) - The initiative is dedicated to the memories of the past, and promoted by the cultural Family Perugina years committed to the restoration and enhancement of the cultural heritage and historical identity tied to the city of Perugia. The exhibition will remain open until February 26 at the following times: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 to 13:00 - 15:00 to 19:00. FREE ADMISSION

The exhibition, curated by Letizia Magnini and Maria Luisa Martella and supported by a group of qualified experts and scholars on local history, aims to promote, enhance and deepen their knowledge of certain occupations or activities of the past whose presence and waned over time, with the intent to highlight aspects of the history, tradition and socio-cultural context in which these activities were developed.
The original documents, carefully selected, make a detailed exhibition is divided into separate sections by type of job, so you can trace the history of economic activities of the city from the post-unification period until 1942.
The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog (published by Futura) that explores, through a rich illustration, the most varied aspects of social and economic context of the period analyzed.
In support of the documentary exhibition, in the same rooms will be screened the movie "A window of Perugia. The city view from the camera of directors of 900 large and small, "by Michele Patucca, a collection of images (some unpublished) from 1926 to 1963 from public records and private funds. The documentary, entirely in black and white, shows the changes of the city and costume over the years, through scenes of old films, glimpses of private life, public events.

For more information: Tel 328 1503105 famigliaperugina@virgilio.it

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]


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