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In-appearances by Emanuela Duranti

Marsciano (PG) - Sunday, August 4, 2013 inaugurated, at 19, at E20 Gaia, the exhibition "In-Appearances: Between Visions and Perceptions", by Emanuela Duranti. His works represent an intelligent sequence of events does not, the re-quotation of a vision, a goal scenario. The exhibition is open until August 31.

A reflection and an investigation into the reality of the world as a primary form of art, a balanced composition, the ambiguity of perception and the absolute interpretation of the vision.
This means touching some key issues for photography and for the artistic act in particular way.
Define reality as "primary art form," is to say that through the use of the photographic medium is possible, again, to develop an approach to the real experience of the real from which the photographic image is derived. The reference to the reality indicates that photography, especially of this Duranti, always shows the meaning of art to the real and that it is a form of ready-made, that is, direct appropriation of reality.
The artist's work is a compendium of Spoleto and a search for equilibrium composition, clearly manifested through the point of view, the cut, the choice of the light that defines full and empty spaces, light and shadow in the visual field that attribute specific qualities different weights to the frame.
And this is for our artist expression of a personal position very clear, simple and definitive in respect of the construction of the photographic image as' "In - Appearance."
The ambiguity of perception means that Emanuela Duranti critically observes the uncertainty of our relationship with the outside world, variable and controversial, forcing his eye to an incessant work of verification and creation of meaning.

Emanuela Duranti, was born in Foligno, but lives and works in Spoleto.
After a few years living in France with his family, returns to Spoleto.
The passion for photography was born and developed consolidated soon after graduating from the Institute of Science in Spoleto.
The constant creative activity-camera, source of research, it also becomes a profession.
In those years he attended the studio of M. Giacomelli in Senigallia.
The work is important and the passion is the engine of searching for images for more and more "special" and explanatory. For Emanuela photography is not just documentation of what he sees, but a personal way of looking at and interpreting reality.
The protagonist of his photos is the light that animates the matter.

Head Office Exhibition: E20 Gaia - road to Caprareccia, 220
Marsciano - Papiano (Pg) - tel. 347.3652984 e-mail: info@artfarmgaia.it

Duration of the event: 4 - August 31, 2013

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday: 10/13 - 16/19


e-mail: info@artfarmgaia.it
tel. +39.075.8785351

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]


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