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Tuesday 14 May 2024
Italiano English


Marsciano (PG) - The association of social promotion Makeba and the Bank of Marsciano time, under the patronage of the Municipality of Marsciano and collaboration of Riciclamiche of Perugia, organized the "BarattoMundo", the first barter market in the center of Marsciano which will take place Saturday 31 August from 16.00 to 20.00.

The initiative of the barter market is inspired by the desire to testify with concrete actions can affect the quality of the environment and of human relationships. Participation in the barter market is open to all and is free, just bring the objects intended to be exchanged, such as clothing, tools, school supplies and much more. A few simple rules to follow: it is not permissible to use the money to buy or sell articles intended to barter, barter is not allowed to animals, it is not permissible to expose or trade items that violate the law. It is a good idea to also bring along items only functional and in good condition.

For any information you can contact the Association Makeba and the Time Bank to the following contacts: associazionemakeba@gmail.com - bdtmarsciano@gmail.com

Info: City of Marsciano, Mayor Office 075 8747233

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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