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Sunday 19 May 2024
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National Championship Launch of the phone

Città di Castello (PG) - Growing expectations and curiosity for the National Championship Launch of the phone, which will take the stage on August 4 in Monte Santa Maria Tiberina, on the occasion of the popular Porchetta Festival organized by Pro Loco. The activities will start at 16.00 until 19.30

The event will be accompanied by music, dancing and lots of fun, in a picturesque and spectacular where the launch of a mobile phone will become a perfect combination for stress relief, will be a day of divertentimentoo for the many tourists present, which, in addition to enjoy the natural beauty, can try their hand in this original adventure in the heart of green Umbria. .

The aim will be to launch the phone as far as possible, a fundamental requirement in order to win, the winner will be rewarded with a latest generation smartphone offered by Telefonomio, phone company in Città di Castello, which has acceded to this nice initiative.

There are two categories of participants: Junior (boys and girls aged 13 to 20 years) and Senior (Men and women aged 21 years and older), you will have one spin with a run-up in the free throw lane and bounded by the line demarcation, mobile phones, provided by the organization of the event, will be all the same weight of 66 grams.

The launch can be made using any technique, but only with the arms, the score will be calculated by telemetry, using electronic equipment Tele Laser.
You do not need no advance registration and is completely free of charge: the day of the race who wish to participate will simply have to fill out a card with your own information.

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]


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