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Tuesday 21 May 2024
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Fontemaggiore STABLE THEATRE OF INNOVATION presents The Locandiera

Trevi (PG) - Saturday, December 14, 2013 at 21.15 at the Teatro Clitunno scene in The innkeeper, with Flavia Valoppi, Alexis Weaver, Massimo Vellaccio, Umberto Marchesani, Massimo Paolucci, Giulia Basel, Stephanie Zeoli, Oscar my sympathy; directed Giulia Basel. The brilliant staging of the famous company Florian is the almost full text, focusing on the beauty of the word and acted on the direct relationship between actors and audience, to give space and weight to a drama that emphasizes the vitality and genius of a great man of the theater which was Goldoni.

The innkeeper, a masterpiece of clarity and formal measure, depicts a character, Mirandolina, which perfectly expresses intelligence, autonomy and awareness of the woman of the eighteenth century character-symbol of an entire civilization, as well as the expression of a theatricality that changed the history of drama and entertainment.

Full price € 12
Reduced * € 9
Entertainment Theatre Workshop € 7
* (Under 26 and over 60 years, Coop Centroitalia on presentation of the card)

The ticket office is open on the day of the show from 18 hours
Tel 0742 301689

Subscription to 5 events of your choice
Full price € 50
Reduced * € 37

* (Under 26 and over 60 years, Coop Centroitalia on presentation of the card)

Book by phone subscriptions
Fontemaggiore (tel. 075 5286651 to 075 5289555)

Booking by phone shows

Fontemaggiore tel. 075 5286651 - 075 5289555 (Monday to Friday 10-16 hours)
Theatre Clitunno tel. 0742 381768 (only the days of the show from 18 hours)

Fontemaggiore tel. 075 5286651 - 075 5289555

Theatre Clitunno tel. 0742 381768 (only the days of the show from 18 hours)

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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