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Saturday 01 June 2024
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"Examination" at the Teatro Clitunno

Trevi (PG) - Saturday, January 18, 2014 at 21:15, at the Teatro Clitunno examination of Andrea Jeva, loosely based on the story "The Test" by Richard Matheson, with Giampiero Frondini, Francis Bolo Rossini, Catherine bows, directed by Andrea Paciotto. In his short story The Test, Richard Matheson describes a society concerned about overpopulation. The elderly age of 60 must, by law, to pass an examination every five years to demonstrate their full physical and mental efficiency.

Those who do not pass it are classified as "inadequate" and killed with an injection. This is the terrible situation of the story, albeit imagined in the future, is astonishing and simultaneously hit by an unpleasant feeling of closeness to the cynicism and the dictatorship of profit which we are slowly approaching ...

Examination marks the comeback of one of the fathers of the theater of Umbria, Giampiero Frondini, this time choosing the imagination of the American science fiction 50s for his performance as an actor. He joins in the role of his son, another popular actor Perugia, Francis Bolo Rossini: the two find themselves on the scene in this show especially poignant that it is also an ideal generational confrontation between two national artists.
The text, expertly adapted by Andrea Jeva, is fully exploited by the authoritative direction of Andrea Paciotto and intense interpretation of the well-established Fiocchetti Catherine, a young and talented actress, which completes this new and interesting training umbra.


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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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