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Tuesday 07 May 2024
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Confessions of Zeno

Gubbio (PG) - Wednesday, March 5th at the Teatro Comunale, 21 hours, staged Zeno's Conscience, Tullio Kezich
from the novel by Italo Svevo. Against the background of Trieste and cosmopolitan merchant but also a focal point of the particular cultural moment of central Europe between the end of the Belle Epoque and the First World War, there is the story of Zeno Cosini, which, starting from a psychoanalytic session, evokes the highlights of his life so disenchanted and ironically detached appears that the existence of the tragic and comic together.

Joseph Pambieri
and Nino Bignamini, Giancarlo Condé
and (or in) Silvia Others, Guenda Goria, Margaret Mannino, Martha Ossoli, Antonia Renzella, Raffaele Sincovich, Anna Paola Vellaccio, Francis Wolf
director Maurizio Scapparo
Lorenzo scenes Cutuli
costumes Carla Ricotti
Giancarlo music Chiaramello

The production Teatro Carcano in Milan

- See more at: http://www.teatrostabile.umbria.it/spettacoli/la-coscienza-di-zeno-001 # sthash.yanqgapf.dpuf

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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