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Sunday 12 May 2024
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A cup of stormy sea

Corciano (PG) - A cup of stormy sea will be at the Philharmonic Theatre on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th March. The sea. What sea? The sound of the sea. What makes you think the sound of the sea? The Melville's Moby Dick. A book. All the sea in a book. Kindled something every time you pick up the book, and then later you begin to imagine big, whales, sailboats, ocean, road, things exaggerated. A small installation, performance for a small audience watching a little small objects that evoke great things. All stolen from Melville, for a few minutes. As if you were in the hold of a whaling ship. A show for the whole family, an opportunity to share with the little ones.

Roberto Abbiati
Roberto Abbiati
and Matthew Rubadotti
music and recordings by Fabio Besana
sets constructed in the laboratories of stagecraft of Armunia

production Gorgonzola Dream

For a maximum of 20 spectators. Duration 17 minutes.
Reservations are recommended
- See more at: http://www.teatrostabile.umbria.it/spettacoli/una-tazza-di-mare-in-tempesta # sthash.EPttfymM.dpuf

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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