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Saturday 04 May 2024
Italiano English

E. .. been with The Gardens in July

Foligno (PG) - Gli Orti Giusti Orfini continue to open during the summer season, with a full calendar of events. The municipal structure, managed by the Dynamic Coop. Soc, offers a summer anti-crisis of culture and social life, with many events all free entry.

Gli Orti, with the Literary Cafe, propose, therefore, as a cultural meeting place, as a place to introduce yourself to others, having the opportunity to give free expression to their ideas.

It ranges from the music, with live concerts and DJ sets, the cinema, with screenings of short and feature films, to the good food and theatrical performances. The events will be held in the picturesque setting of the gardens and inside the café Lettarario Orfini, recently renovated, where every evening you can have dinner at affordable prices, waiting for the start of the evening activities. In the coming days, will also start on summer camp for children.

Below is the complete schedule of events.

Thu, 4 21.00 800 Sull'Aia / show
Fri 6 hours 17.00/24.00: Street Art agli Orti Orfini, followed by Dj September Oskee
Thu, 11 21.30: JANE DOE / concert
Thu, 18 21.30: THE CORTPLAY / concert
23.00: SHORT FILM SCREENING by "With the minutes counted: International Short Film Festival"
Thu, 25 21.30: CROSS ROADS / concert

All FRIDAY 18.30 "ApEriTaZiO" with Dj Oskee


Tel: 0742 342202

www.facebook.com / CaffeLetterarioOrtiOrfini

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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