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June 2014

Norcia (PG) - Departure from Castelluccio di Norcia at 10.00 for the church of St. Scholastica in Norcia. St. Scholastica, sister of St. Benedict, was born in the district of Nursia in the fifth century after Christ. St. Benedict became the patron saint of Europe and is known worldwide as the founder of monasticism. St. Scholastica is venerated, in particular, between the populations of the Sibillini and among the Germanic peoples for whom is the patron saint of breastfeeding. It happened and still ...
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Foligno (PG) - From June 26 to 28 will be held Dancity Festival 2014. Dancity is performance audio-visual, literary and music technology, video installations, live acts, DJ sets. Dancity is the willingness to offer new opportunities and ways of comparison and in order to encourage participation, through events that move into the international music scene, and with the collaboration / design with the most interesting local art, Italian and European. Dancity was born in 2006 from a desire to explore the ...
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Sellano (PG) - From June 26 to 29 at the Church of SS. Annunziata, "Intensive Workshop Theater - Music - Dance." Conducted by: Cristina Bearded, Richard Brunetti, Michael Horse, Alessandro Pintus, Roberto Sestilli. Coordination: Sandra Albanian Docile bodies - Biopower, Institutions, Technologies of the Self. with the students of the Master "Dramatherapy and Social Theatre in the" University of Rome "La Sapienza". Info: Castle Postignano - Tel 0743.788005 - ...
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READING WITH DRINK "MUSIC AND CULTURE Italy in the 700" Perugia (PG) - Appointment of convivial Thursday, in which, in a beautiful environment, after an aperitif reinforced (appetizer and main course) from 20 hours, the musicologist Stephen A. Graziano (www. stefanograziano.com) will talk about the music and culture in Italy in 1600 , using the documents of the time (correspondence, diaries and chronic, as well as direct evidence of the literati and poets) and listening to explain how the music was produced and consumed. The topic of conversation will be: ...
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Italian Open Women's Golf at Golf Club course Perugia Perugia (PG) - The 24th edition of the 'Italian Open Women is scheduled this year on the path of Perugia Golf Club from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th June and Wednesday 25 will be preceded by a pro am where you will be able to see a preview of a good part of that proettes then will be the stars of the tournament, while on Thursday 26 the public, for which the entry will be free, you can follow the steps to finish the last day of the test field. For shooting FIG chose Perugia and 'Umbria, deeming them ...
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Tuoro sul Trasimeno (PG) - Fish Festival, in Borghetto Tuoro sul Trasimeno 27 to 29 June. From 20.00. Dinners of fresh water fish and seafood accompanied by dancing. Info: info@prolocotuorosultrasimeno.it tel. 075 825 220.
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Todi (PG) - From June 27 to July 13 in Todi - Fraction Pian di San Martino 5th Festival of Scratchy Food stand with local specialties, Scratchy, Folklore, Music, Entertainment. Green area (town center) - Every evening from 19.30. Info: robertop63@hotmail.it - ​​3771018766
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Amateur Dog Show Città di Castello (PG) - A New Castle Locations in St. Martin d'UPO (Close to Baucca) from June 27 to June 29 will take place on the village feast of "Corpus Christi." Program: Fri June 27 at 21: Recitation dialect tifernate Sat, June 28 at 21: Race of sweets, Dance Contest, Trump June 29 Sun 15:30: "Third Canine Amateur Show for purebred dogs and mongrels" Competition for Young Handler for children, a special section for hunting dogs. Every evening there will be a refreshment point. For ...
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Film review Under the Stars of Castiglione del Lago Castiglione del Lago (PG) - Film review Under the Stars of Castiglione del Lago Film program from June 27 to July 31. Teatro La Rocca. 21.30. "Roccacinema." Outdoor film festival. Program movie on the site www.lagodarte.com tel. 075953654 to 075,951,099.
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Castiglione del Lago (PG) - It begins June 27 with a film in the original language. New: projections in digital high definition. It starts Friday, June 27th with the 1st group of films until July 31, then follow the programming in gosto. Also this year, the festival hosted in the beautiful setting of the amphitheater of the medieval fortress of Castiglione del Lago reconfirms its approach based on quality but without sacrificing entertainment comedy focusing on the form. Enriched the quality program in the original ...
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