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Tuesday 14 May 2024
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Award Mother Earth, Sister Water

Assisi (PG) - Poems dedicated to St. Francis and beauty of created with tones thesis ecology and respect for the environment will be recited Sunday, August 4 at 11:00 am at the Hall of the Domus Pacis Perfect Joy of Santa Maria degli Angeli, on the occasion of ceremony of the XXXIX edition of "Mother Earth, Sister Water", organized by the "Friends of Umbria", Honorary President Fosco Bordini, under the patronage of the Municipality of Assisi.

The literary conference "Umbria Summer 2013" the Association "Friends of Umbria" will get to many authors, from Thursday 1 to Sunday, August 4, 2013, for days of intense poetry and fiction with demonstrations in several towns in Umbria: from Perugia to 'Polvese Island, from Gubbio to Assisi. The Association for forty years has tried to find an Umbria tourism different from the "hit and run" with moments of contemplation, reflection and sharing that only poetry can promote.

Poetry: Lost 1 Nerio (Montefiascone, VT) with "Skyscraper Smoke", 2 Cosimino Simeon (St. Ambrose on the Garigliano, FR) with "Dust and Fire" and Pompey Mattioli (Rome) with "My name," Rita 3 Arrabito Latina (Syracuse) with "Ave Maria - Lourdes" and Gianni Busato (Casale sul Sile, TV) with "Without God in the heart", 3 Rosa Maria Di Salvatore (Catania) with "In the silence of stars", 4 Giusi Baglieri (Catania), Giuseppe Mancinelli (Amorosi, BN) and Rosanna Milan Buntings (Gubbio, PG), 5 B. Romano Bianchi (Rozzano, MI) ex aequo with Diego Fantin (Thiene, VI), Antonio Damiano (Latina), Gianna Giannattasio (Battipaglia, SA), Rosaria Maugeri (Fontana Liri, FR), Antonio Vitolo (Olevano Romano, SA).
Special awards to Anna Peciarolo Bands (Terni) and Paris Duronio (L'Aquila).
Jury Prize for poetry presented to "Umbria Summer" Rino Follador (San Dona di Piave, Venice).
For anthologies of poetry, special prizes to Pompey Mattioli (Rome) and Mario Meola (Arezzo).
Stories: 1 Daisy Bertelle (La Spezia) with "The Strange dream Papin", 2 Rita Arrabito Latina (Syracuse) with "Italian Baroque", 3 Vittorio Casali (Rome) with "A good family."
Special Award to Luigino Vador and Nicolina Ros (San Quirino, PN).
Special prize for the book of poetry to Valter Paro (Meduna di Livenza, TV). For books of fiction first prize to Giorgio Bianchi (Casciago, VA) with "The Hermit" and special prize to John Firinu (Cagliari).

Association "Friends of Umbria"

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[Source: Assisi OnLine]

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